Friday, February 12, 2016

About Hal


Hal is a lovable, slobbery, and an overly curious dog who is characterized as being happy most of the time and is very loyal to his friends, and mostly with Nature Cat. He is absent-minded, becoming a source of comic relief where he can respond to others with nonsequiturs or muddled reasoning thought out loud. He is also known for his catchphrase, "Tah-dee!". His capabillites include digging the ground and sniffing strong smells that make Nature Cat shudder. Sometimes, he is accompanied by his chew toy, "Mr. Chewinsky", whom he converses with when projecting his thoughts. He is voiced by Bobby Moynihan from Saturday Night Live.


Hal is a tan-orange dog with a long purple nose, long brown ears, and wears a red dog collar around his neck.

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